Customer Interactions Management

In Audite Cloud customer care agents will be able to effectively manage interactions with customers. Audite Cloud’s core sections are the Chat Center and the Social Center where customer care agents can manage, respectively:

  • Direct messages (DMs) coming from digital channels where this kind of interactions are allowed, e.g. Facebook Messenger, Web Chat, Whatsapp, Viber, Twitter DMs, etc. A new conversation into the Chat Center will arrive every time customers write a direct message from one of the available inbound channels. In particular, the conversation will be created when the first message will arrive: each following message from/to the customer will be related to that conversation

  • Comments and mentions on posts coming from channels that have this kind of communication paradigm, e.g. comments on FB posts, replies on tweets, replies on Instagram mentions, etc. A new conversation into the Social Center will be visible every time a first level comment will be left on a post published on your official page/account (e.g. Facebook post on your official account) or when your account is mentioned by someone

The user experience to manage a customer interaction (i.e. a conversation) from the Social Center/Chat Center will be very similar, with some slight differences described here.

From these sections agents will be able to perform all the interactions-related activies, e.g. reply to customers, mark an interaction with a subject, add a note or a TAG, see the documents history exchanged with customers, etc.

Going into details of each functionality, below the list of actions that customer care agents will be able to do while managing interactions with customers:

  • First of all, conversations are split into Pending and Active conversations. Pending conversations are the ones have to be taken in care by some customer care agent, i.e. conversations nobody is still working on. Instead, active conversations are the ones that has been picked and under processing. Visibility on pending conversations is depending on the User Roles you gave to the users of the application. In other words, a user will be able to see the pending conversations related the channel where he/she was enabled to work.

    A pending conversation can be both accepted and rejected. Accept a conversation means that customer care agent wants to work on it and it can be done clicking on ✔ green button. Once clicked, conversation will be moved from Pending to Active conversations list. Instead, reject a conversation can be done clicking on ✘ red button. Rejected conversations are the ones customer care agents, for some reasons (e.g. duplicated interaction) don’t want working on and, once rejected, they will be closed. When a conversation has been accepted, it will be visible only to the user that has picked it. Once accepted, the conversation can be put be back on the queue clicking on Release button: it will be available again for picking for the users that have the grant to work on that specific channel.

  • When a conversation is accepted, it will become an active one because someone is working on it. Several actions, starting from three-dots, are available on an active conversation:

    • Close Conversation: This action has to be performed after the interaction with the customer has been fully managed. Clicking on this button will have as effect that the conversation will be put in Closed status. After the closure, if the same social profile will write you again, a new conversation will be created

    • Bar Social Profile: customer care agents will be able to temporarily bar a customer’s social profile from which the interaction has been generated (e.g. a Viber or Whatsapp number). Indeed, it may happen that the customer is spamming you from a specific social profile (e.g. his Facebook account) and the agent decides to don’t receive anymore any communication from this customer’s social profile. This action will have, as side effect, that if the customer will go on writing from this social profile, the interaction will be ignored, i.e. it will not arrive in Audite Cloud. If the customer, when the social profile is barred, has some active conversations related to this barred profile, they will be automatically closed. A barred social profile of a recorded customer can be unbarred in the Contacts section of the platform. For additional details see here.

    • Bar Customer: this is a more restrictive action compared to the previous one. Bar customer means bar any social profile associated to that customer, i.e. the whole customer is barred. Like before, it means that every interaction coming from that customer, from any of his/her social profiles, will be ignored and it will not arrive in Audite Cloud. Moreover, like the barring of a specific customer social profile, if there are some active conversations related to that customer at the moment of the barring, they will be automatically closed. A barred customer can be unbarred in the Contacts section of the application. For additional details see here.

    • Assign to user: while a customer care agent is managing an interaction, there will be the possibility to assign this interaction to another colleague, in order to collaborate for resolving the customer’s request/issue. After clicking on Assign to user, it will be shown a dialog window where the agent has the possibility to search a user which the conversation has to be assigned to. Search will be restricted only to users that will have the grant to work on that channel

    • Assign to Queue: this other action, available in the Chat Center, will allow customer care agents to put a conversation in a specific queue. For example, it might be created a queue where customer interactions have to be managed with a high priority. Like assigning a conversation to a user, clicking on Assign to queue it will be shown all the queues defined for the organization where the customer interaction can be put. All the users enabled to work on the assigned queue will have the grant to accept the conversation and work on it

  • Main activity a customer care agent can do in the Chat Center is to chat with a customer. Regardless the channel customers have written from, the user experience to manage their interactions will be always the same. A customer care agent can reply to customers with plain text, and clicking on + button, he will be able (from the top to bottom) to:

    • Record an audio file to be sent to the customer;

    • Upload a file to be sent to the customer, i.e. document files (e.g. .doc, .pdf) and multimedia files (e.g. .jpeg, .png, .mp3, .mp4)

    • Add an emoticon

    • Share his/her current location

    Note that not all the mentioned possibilities, related to the files format that can be sent, are available from every channel because of capabilities each channel is able to offer.

  • Another important section of the Chat Center where the customer care agents will be able to perform several actions is the right-sided panel, i.e. the Interaction Panel. From this panel, agents can:

    • See the customer details. In particular, if the customer is a recognized one because there is an existing social profile in Audite Cloud associated to him, customer care agents will be able to see main customer demographic information, i.e. First Name, Last Name, e-mail. Indeed, when a conversation is created in Audite Cloud, the platform will check if there is an existing recorded social profile matching the one is writing. If yes, the conversation will be automatically related to this customer/social profile and it will be shown the badge Recognized

    • See the conversation details. In particular, customer care agents will be aware about the sentiment and the language of the conversation (automatically inferred using Microsoft Cognitive Services if in the subscribed license this service is included), its creation date and its expiry time before it will be automatically closed. Indeed, a conversation, regardless the channel, will be automatically closed if it is inactive (i.e. no message received by the customer) for more than 24 hours.

    • Relate the conversation to an existing customer or create a new one if the automatic recognition fails (available only in the Chat Center). It might happen that the customer is writing from a social profile (e.g. Whatsapp) that is not recorded in Audite Cloud but the same customer already wrote, in the past, from a different channel (e.g. Facebook). Then, if during the interaction management process, the customer care agent realizes that the customer is already recorded in Audite Cloud’s customer base, he will have the possibility to relate the “anonymous” social profile to that customer. In order to do it, he has to search the customer starting to type in the proper search box and then select the customer he wants to associate with the current conversation. After having done it, customer from Anonymous will became Recognized and the social profile customer is writing from will be automatically associated to him. In a similar way, if the customer is not recorded in Audite Cloud’s customer base, the agent will have the chance to create a new one directly from the Interaction Panel clicking on + button. A right-sided contact creation panel will be opened where the needed information to create the contact has to be provided (i.e. First Name, Last Name, either e-mail or phone and, optionally, company and address). Like before, after the creation of the contact, the anonymous conversation will be automatically associated to the just created contact, the social profile customer is writing from will be automatically associated to him and the customer from Anonymous will became Recognized.

    • Mark the conversation with a TAG. The organization’s administrator will be able to define a list of TAGs that are available for the agents while managing a conversation. There will be also the possibility, for the agents that have the proper role (Administration access), to create new TAGs during the interaction management process, i.e. directly from the Interaction Panel adding the new TAG in the proper text area. The newly created TAGs will be available for the whole organization and can be associated to a customer interaction while managing a conversation. For additional details about how to manage TAG, refer to TAGs Configuration

    • Add a note to a conversation. This feature is very helpful when a conversation will go through several customer care agents. Each time a conversation is assigned to another agent, the one is currently managing it can add a note for making the other agent aware why the conversation is assigned to him. It can be also used, for example, to add a reminder for the agent is currently managing the conversation to contact the customer. In order to add a note, a customer care agent must fill the related text area and then click on ‘+’ button

    • Reply to customer with a quick answer. As explained in Quick Answers , organization’s administrator will be able to define quick answers that might be used to reply in a very quick way to a customer without the need to write it manually. For example, it might be defined quick answers that are related to the FAQs coming from the customers (e.g. How can I check the remaining credit on my subscription?). In order to reply to a customer with a quick answer, the agent has to click on three-dots and select Quick Response. All the quick answers defined for the organization will be shown, split by category. In order to reply to a customer with a quick answer, agent can

      • Drag and drop the quick answer directly in the text area in the middle panel (where Type your message is written). The answer can be edited before sending it to the customer

      • Drag and drop the quick answer in the upper section of the middle panel. The quick answer will be immediately sent to the customer, without the possibility to edit it

    • See the conversation history. All the past closed conversations (interactions) with the customer will be available in this section of the Interaction Panel. These conversations are visible as timeline, with the evidence when the conversation has been created and the channel where it is coming. Details of a past conversation can be seen here and can be also searched in All Conversations section of the platform

    • See the documents history. All the attachment exchanged with the customer, for the current conversation or for the past ones, will be available here and they can be consulted while managing the customer interaction. Indeed, acting on All Attachments toggle button, can be found all the attachments exchanged with the customer in all the interactions or only the ones related to the current conversation

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