Web Chat
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When a customer contacts the customer service, he expects to receive a reply in a quick way. In particular, one of the primary reasons for customers to choose a live chat is to bring down the response time. The first response time on a live chat needs to be under a minute. Actually, the customer expectation to receive a first reply to an interaction started from this channel is few seconds. In particular, the average first response time expectation range is between 6 seconds to 15 seconds.
Like all the other channels, the configuration of this inbound channel can be done in a specific administrative section of the platform (Channels Configuration > Web Chat). Within this section, you can configure a new Web Chat channel performing the followin steps:
Click on Add new Web Chat Channel button
A friendly name for the web chat is creating in Friendly Name attribute
A Domain URL where the web chat has to be embedded. This domain URL will be checked in order to verify that, actually, the web chat will be embedded in the specified domain. Only customers interactions initiated from the configured domain will arrive in Audite Cloud
Some customization settings about the look and feel of the web chat (i.e. Primary Colour, Secondary Colour, Background Colour, Font Family, Big Logo and Small Logo, Welcome page title and subtitle, Privacy Link and Privacy Link Label) in order to make it compliant with your company’s brand
Moreover, can be configured Is VA Enabled or Is VE Enabled flags in order to enable, respectively, the Virtual Assistant or the Virtual Expert to manage customer interactions.
In case your organization is configured to work with Microsoft Teams, you have to associate the inbound digital channel you are configuring with the Teams channel you want the customer interaction to be put when starting to collaborate with your colleagues. Indeed, using Audite Cloud in Microsoft Teams will give you the chance to share a customer interaction with your colleagues in order to manage it in an effective way. When the collaboration is started, the conversation will be put in the Teams channel you configured here. In order to relate the Audite Cloud channel with the Teams channel, you have to:
Sign in with the access credentials (username and password) you are using to access Microsoft Teams. In this way, Teams and related Channels configured in your Teams organization will be available for the selection in the next steps
Select the Team
Select a Channel , related to previously chosen team, where you want to actually put the conversation whenthe collaboration starts
At the end of the creation process, a web chat Code Snippet will be generated. This code can be embedded into your website to enable the Audite Cloud's web chat client into your organization’s website.