All Conversations

Audite Cloud has a specific section where a customer service supervisor can have a picture of what it is happening in the customer service team. In order to see this section, a user must have Dashboard access user role.

In particular, within All conversations sub-section, can be performed inquiries on customer interactions according to several searching criteria. The available searching criteria are:

  • Channel: can be set the channels (e.g. Whatsapp, Telegram, Facebook pages, etc) customer interactions should be filtered. Then, it represents the inbound digital channel by which the customer interaction has been generated. Multi-selection is also allowed, then more than one channel can be chosen

  • From/To dates: here can be defined a custom dates range by which customer interactions have to be filtered. Dates are referred to their creation date within the platform, e.g. From 01/03/2021 To 30/03/2021 means that you want to search for all the customer interactions created between 01/03/2021 and 30/03/2021 (range boundaries included)

  • Customer: customer interactions can be also filtered according to the customers they are related to. As explained in this section, during the interaction management process, there will be the possibility to link a customer interaction coming from an anonymous profile with an already existing customer or to create a new one while managing it. To be clearer, in order to filter by customer, customer must be recorded in the platform and a customer interaction, coming from one of the customer’s social profile, must be linked to him

  • User: customer interactions can be also searched by user. It means search customer interactions by the user they are assigned to. In order to search for a user, it will be possible to write the initial letters of his name: the search will return all the users for which the full name or the e-mail starts with the specified letters

  • Tags: there will be also the possibility to search interactions by tags. Like the users, it will be possible to search for the first letters of a tag: search will return a list of tags matching the search. Then, the user can select one of them and the conversations will be filtered according to the selected tag.

After having specified the filtering criteria, all the customer interactions matching them will be searched. For each customer interaction can be seen the following information:

  • Sentiment: it represents the average sentiment of the conversation with the customer. Microsoft Azure Cognitive Service will be used to detect it

  • Channel: channel by which the interaction has been generated (e.g. Facebook Messenger)

  • Created On: customer interaction creation date

  • Message: first message of the interaction

  • Customer: customer which the interaction is related to

  • Closed by: user who closed the customer interaction. It will be shown only if the interaction rsation is a Closed state

  • Owner: user who the interaction is assigned to. It will be shown both for the In Progress and Closed customer interaction

  • State: it identifies the current state of the interaction, i.e. In Progress, Closed, Waiting

  • Closed On: customer interaction closure date

For each record, there will be the possibility to:

  • Send to the customer a transcript of the conversation by e-mail, clicking on the “e-mail” icon. If the conversation is associated to a customer recorded in Audite Cloud, it will be shown, by default, the e-mail associated to this customer, if it has been specified when the customer has been created. Anyway, there will be also the possibility to insert a different e-mail address. Clicking on Send e-mail button, the transcript will be actually sent.

  • See the customer interaction details, double clicking the record

Last updated

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